For the love of crazy dogs

Anyone who has been to our house in recent years knows about our dog.  Our small dog "Otto" is a little, no...make that a LOT crazy. We love him, but I'm pretty sure he has an anxiety disorder, among other mental, and anti-social issues.  Despite two sessions at puppy training classes...he barks when anyone comes over, this crazy, squeaky, high pitched bark. You can't quite figure out if he's angry or frightened, but the sound itself is just alarming. I think he is actually feeling both scared and excited, and just doesn't know how to contain it. Unless it's me, my husband Matt, our baby Luke (who he's GREAT with, thank god) or our Moms, Otto completely loses his mind for about 5 minutes. Then he stops the wild barking, and he seems like he wants you to like him, but he's terrified of you, especially if you're a guy.  He paces, sometimes he shakes, and often tries to herd you (he's half Shetland sheepdog).   I really avoid having company outside of my friends and family who know Otto for the lovable lunatic he truly is.  I take him for a long walk in the neighborhood everyday.  He embarrasses Luke and I regularly (spazzing out at any and all dogs, growling and lunging at old ladies, etc,) but I've accepted it, he is who he is.

Recently I discovered how much Otto enjoys riding in the car with me to pick up Luke from daycare.  It's only 2 miles away, the whole trip takes 5-10 minutes, but I'm telling makes his life.  I usually go get Luke straight from work, but now, when I have time, I go home & grab the dog first.  He just gets so thrilled when I invite him outside the back door, without a leash, and into the front seat.  He really is that crazy little dog who doesn't want to be away from you...EVER.  When my parents watch him for us, he follows my Mom around the entire time, he even waits for her outside the bathroom door. While I do wish he were more friendly and social...he's a very sweet boy, and a great cuddly lapdog.  Luke smiles and giggles on the days he sees Otto waiting for us in the car. He's challenging at times, but he got adopted by the right family. We're *almost* as crazy about him, as he is about us.


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