Magical Heel

We went out for a Mothers Day Dinner with my family.  My Mom and I sat on either side of Luke, the wildest, hungriest baby you've ever seen.  He was loud and crazy, yelling and slapping the table when I didn't produce a spoonful of baby food fast enough.  After powering through THREE containers of baby food, approximately a hundred baby puffs, and half a sippy cup of water...I realized we hadn't even ordered yet.  Oh god, I thought, this could be bad. 

Then my brother's brilliant girlfriend suggested giving him the heel of the bread in the basket to chew on. Suzy said her nephew loves it, and that it really keeps him occupied.  She was right, it was like magic!  That heel of a bread loaf was the best thing Luke has ever been given, EVER.  My mom and I were the only ones who could hear the sounds he made as he chewed on it from all angles.  He hummed and groaned like he was making out with it, it was HILARIOUS!  Twice his chubby excited baby hands lost their grip on the magical heel of bread.  As it went flying towards the ground, we all said "Noooooo!"  Miraculously, both times it fell into the open diaper bag.  Crisis averted.  I even got to EAT some of my dinner.  It was a great 1st Mothers Day.


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