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Face-brag-gush-Book. Just. Stop.

This blog post is going to be VERY unpopular with some people. Like some of my friends and relatives.  I just can't take it anymore. I have rolled my eyes one too many times. Why, oh, why do so many people post things on social media, often to their spouse (who they live with, and might be sitting next to) that are, in the pre-social media world, very private things?  You know.....the public professing of love for their partner. The spewing of joy for their amaze-balls life? Still not sure what I'm talking about? "Happy Anniversary to the love of my life! I have enjoyed every moment and can't wait for another 20 more years!" Are you freaking kidding me?! NOBODY enjoys every moment of a marriage for 2 years, much less 20. Love is easy. Marriage is hard. It's work, and it's worth it, if you're compatible and love each other, but if you want to say these things to your wife, husband, partner, can't you just tell them in person later to...

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